Our Dig Site
Our family-friendly dig site is fully outfitted with everything you need to sift through tailings from one of the most prolific tourmaline mines in the world. Our specially designed tables and sifitng trays allow you to rinse dig material to quickly spot specimins. School Groups are welcome with a reservtion. Outdoor fun for all ages!
Mineral Identification
Need help identifying some of your minerals? Click here for images, names, general specimen sizes, and details of some of the specific gems and minerals that you can find in all of our different varieties of mine dirt!
Field Trips
We have special access to several mines in western Maine where we take families and individuals for lcoation field trips. Click here for details on the localities, their known minerals and everything you need to know to have a great trip!
Mine Store
Can't make it to our site? No problem. Buy dirt in our online store and we will ship it to your door. Every box is guaranteed to have pieces of Maine tourmaline and/or other amazing minerals. Visit our store to shop for different kinds of mine dirt, jewelry, mineral specimens and one-of-a-kind finds.
Check out what people have found!
We host individuals, families, camps & school groups. Educational fun for all ages!
Sift for a variety of minerals including but not limited to Apatite, Aquamarine, Beryl, Garnet, Lepidolite, Mica , Pollucite, Pyrite, Quartz, Rose quartz, Smokey Quartz, Spodumene, pink, blue, green, black and watermelon colored Tourmaline, and many more. Keep what you find!